Policy Briefs
The following Policy Briefs are reporting on how mainly public institutions and policy-makers, but also economic and industry actors, can support consumers in their strive for becoming more conscious about their energy consumption and in creating more climate friendly households. They all provide new ideas and inspiration for policy, and a main lesson is that much more can be done to help and motivate consumers.
ECO2 Facilitation Courses
This provides ideas and thinking for hosts and facilitators for Groups (school classes; a local energy community; friends or neighbors) that meet to make use of ACT4ECO together. This can only be encouraged, since it is a proven fact that group learning creates much more and better behaviour change than learning by your own.
Innovation and Design Needs
Based on surveys among ACT4ECO users, on input from policy-makers, and on the experience in the ECO2 consortium a range of challenges were identified that consumers face when they want to become energy conscious and change their households and behaviour. Some of these are connected to needs for new innovation and design, and the document here is a result of a design workshop held by ECO2. It provides many ideas and directions that industry and institutions can take up and act upon.