Зад проекта ECO2 стои екип от партньори от Белгия, България, Гърция, Дания, Ирландия, Италия, Литва, Финландия и Франция. Партноьрите са експерти в различни области - енергетика, информационни технологии, онлайн обучения, потребителски права, изготвяне на политики, сегментиране на потребителите и гражданско участие.
The Danish Board of Technology coordinates and executes research, designs and facilitates engagement and co-creation processes in the areas of ICT, research in neuroscience, energy policy, climate change mitigation and health policy.
Hebes Intelligence will support the validation of the ECO2 content to ensure that all the information provided is credible, based on real data or model-based results. We will also help disseminate ECO2 and its services in Greece.
SINERGIE is a VET centre supporting ECO2 projects creating the learning paths for users interested to become ‘Energy Conscious Consumers’. These will be translated into ‘transformative learning’ actions that users can explore and achieve through the ECO2 learning platform.
The Consumer Society Research Centre at the University of Helsinki contributes to ECO2 with expertise in consumer behaviour research, particularly value creation through co-creation in markets disrupted by technological change.
Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (DECO) is the Portuguese association for consumer protection with 480.000 members. Legal rights and consumer education and choices are at the core of its work. DECO runs information, awareness and training campaigns on e.g. energy, food waste and sustainability. Has a strong network to consumer organisations in EU.
ARC Fund is a Bulgarian NGO active in the research and innovation field. It has implemented a foresight project on energy for SE Europe, another on climate-change R&D priorities for EU-China, and currently working on the topic “social and cultural influences on energy consumption”.
Strategic Design Scenarios (SDS) is a sustainability innovation lab specialised in public innovation, strategic design, scenario building, co-design with users and community centred approaches. We conduct field work, action-research, and training activities.
Knowledge Economy Forum is a professional non-profit, that brings together politicians, researchers, industry experts and citizens, and acts as a think-tank for societal and economical progress in the areas of innovation and education.
University College Cork, Department of Business Information Systems specialises in human-centred IT design, innovation, and stakeholder dialogue. Its contribution to ECO2 includes developing project knowledge, and platform dissemination.