ECO2 Consortium can benefit from the support of a panel of experts, who can provide their expertise and a specifically professional view in several domains related to the project’s objectives and, more generally, to energy efficiency: from transformative learning and innovative training methods to energy consultancy, from smart energy services to impact on users’ behaviour and awareness
The overall objective of the Advisory Panel consists in assisting ECO2 Partners in maximising the excellence and the impact of the project’s efforts. This is done by involving our experts in several tasks:
- Providing a feedback on methodology, deliverables and results’ dissemination in order to strengthen the impact of the project;
- Involving relevant stakeholders who could also act as National Nodes;
- Serving as contact to wider networks of potential ACT4ECO users;
- Mobilising recruiting support and expanding the project and the platform reach to more countries.
Taking into account the important role of the Advisory Panel in both peer review and dissemination of results, the following experts were selected by Partner countries:
- Katalin Jamrik is an English teacher at Kossuth Zsuzsanna Vocational Technical School in Dabas (Hungary). Over the years, she took part in numerous Erasmus projects as a learning material developer. She has now established HuMob, a small enterprise focusing on implementing an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project aiming at raising the environmental awareness of the youth.
- Maïté Garnier has acquired a long-time experience in the field of energy education and awareness, with a special focus on youth and vulnerable publics. She managed several EU projects for HESPUL, a non-profit association specialised in the promotion of renewables and the rational use of energy. She is an expert in innovative education and communication methods.
- Brian Horne is Senior Insight & Analytics Consultant at the Energy Saving Trust and has acquired a long experience in the field of sustainable energy support. He advised small and large businesses, governments and private individuals on appropriate interventions to reduce energy use and carbon emissions. He currently manages EST’s external consultancy team.
- Maria Pia Martino currently works as a Researcher and Project Manager at Energy Department of the Politecnico of Turin. Her fields of interest range from energy efficiency in urban areas to training of final users and social housing energy manager in the domain of energy efficiency, from energy saving analysis to energy poverty.
- Paulo Santos is Coordinator ad ADENE (Portuguese Energy Agency) and is currently doing a PhD on “Sustainable Energy Systems”. He has extensive knowledge on energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability issues, and he is well experienced in management and coordination activity. In ADENE since 1996, he headed the agency’s energy labelling project activities at a national and international level. He started the National Product Energy Labelling System in 2011.
- Nektarios Moraitis is Head of Energy Performance at RES Invest, an energy services and renewables development company. He is a qualified energy auditor and his experience in the energy sector spans over different projects and roles in energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart energy services, innovation and sustainable development. His involvement in the ECO2 project is the culmination of his interest in behavioural change towards energy awareness.
- Lisbeth Rud Hansen is Head of Environmnetal Excellence & Shared Service Centre at Ørsted, the Danish global leader in offshore wind farms. Lisbeth has long experience in the sustainability area, particularly in driving cultural changes and impacting on human behaviour and involvement thanks to tools such as culture programmes, campaigns, training, serious games and performance management.