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Energy News from Ireland

In 2020, at least 30% of Ireland’s Electricity will be generated from renewable energies, such as wind.
Ireland aims to increase this target to 70% renewable sources by 2030, involving solar energy and biofuels too. New forms of solar technology imply that, even on cloudy days, the sun can generate energy via solar panels.
Among the renewable gas there is biogas, from decomposing organic waste produces, and methane, which can be used as an energy source and, in the long term, it can even replace the use of fossil fuels such as coal, peat etc.
In Ireland there are several energy companies involved in this transition to renewable energy.
Want to know more? Click here!

Ideal Home Show, Ireland.

New Date: 23-26th October 2020, Dublin @ The RDS.

It is Ireland’s best home improvement show, covering topics like extensions, renovations and retrofit projects. There will be information on how to retrofit your home to a higher standard of insulation and how to save energy in the home, as well as many other home focused topics.
An absolute must for the energy conscious consumer.
Find out more on the steps you can take to make your home more and become more energy efficient on ACT4ECO!
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