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Who is behind ACT4ECO?

Behind ECO2 project there is a Consortium made by 9 Partners coming from all over Europe. The real strength of ECO2 stems from the variety of sectors if which Partners are involved, ranging from energy to IT usability, from e-learning to consumer rights, from policy making to public engagement.

  • Danish Board of Technology (Denmark) is a non-profit foundation that advises decision-makers about the possibilities and consequences of technology for people, the environment and society. It coordinates and executes research, designs and facilitates engagement and co-creation processes in a wide range of areas: ICT, research in neuroscience, energy policy, climate change mitigation, health. DBT is ECO2 project Coordinator, and it is also responsible for developing ACT4ECO platform and for content creation on the energy renovation of buildings.
  • Hebes Intelligence (Greece) will support the validation of ACT4ECO platform content, to ensure that all information provided is credible, model-based and grounded on real data. It will also contribute in disseminating ECO2 project and its outputs in Greece.
  • Sinergie (Italy) is an accredited VET provider and a registered Research, Innovation and Technology transfer centre. Sinergie is specialised in the implementation of new qualification schemes, competence development, transfer of research results and start-up monitoring.  Its contribution in ECO2 project consists in defining the action paths on ACT4ECO platform, as well as contributing to its promotion and recruiting citizens who are interested in becoming energy conscious consumers.
  • University of Helsinki (Finland): the Consumer Society Research Centre at the University of Helsinki contributes to ECO2 with expertise in consumer behaviour research, particularly value creation through the co-creation in markets disrupted by technological change.
  • Deco (Portugal) is a Portuguese Consumer Association with the mission to protect consumers interests and rights. For several years, DECO has been running several activities for energy consumers, such as information, awareness and training campaigns in order to become more efficient on energy consumption and develop a strong activity to represent their interests next to the governmental authorities and energy companies. In ECO2, DECO, is mainly responsible for the action theme “No rebound” and for the facilitation activities concerning consumer engagement in the project
  • ARC Fund (Bulgaria) is a NGO active in the research and innovation field. It has implemented a foresight project on energy for SE Europe, another on climate-change R&D priorities for EU-China, and is currently working on the topic “social and cultural influences on energy consumption”. ARC Fund will contribute to the ECO2 project by developing the “Make your own energy” theme and will be responsible for preparing policy briefs summarizing policy issues and advice stemming from the ECO2 Groups as well as for organizing policy outreach seminars.
  • Strategic Design Scenarios (Belgium) is a design and sustainability innovation lab specialised in strategic design, scenario building and co-design with users. In ECO2, SDS contributes to the design of the platform through a user-centered approach and the Innnovation and design needs of energy-efficient solutions.
  • Knowledge Economy Forum (Lithuania) is a professional non-profit, that brings together researchers, industry experts and citizens, and acts as a think-tank for societal and economical progress in the areas of innovation and education. Its contribution to ECO2 includes usability improvements of the platform and consumer recruitment.
  • University College Cork (Ireland), Department of Business Information Systems, specializes in human-centered IT design, innovation, and stakeholder dialogue. Its contribution to ECO2 includes developing project knowledge, and platform dissemination.
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